The majority of our clients
IntaCapital Swiss SA is a boutique finance company head-quartered in the heart of Geneva, Switzerland and with representation world-wide.
Credit Lines
IntaCapital Swiss offer a Collateral Transfer Facility which is todays solution for those companies finding it difficult to obtain funding. This facility allows a client to obtain a Bank Guarantee which can be remitted by swift to their bank account allowing them to apply to their bankers for a line of credit.
It is straightforward to apply for a line of credit against a Bank Guarantee, and once the Bank Guarantee is applied to the clients account, their bankers are usually most cooperative in granting them. On occasion a bank has been known to decline a line of credit application. The reasons are multitude, but it is usually down to the relationship between the client and his banker.
A bank rejecting these application is not an unknown occurrence. Therefore IntaCapital Swiss have positioned themselves to be able to offer their clients a line of credit against the Bank Guarantee held at the clients bank account.